Today I recap: Gilmore girls, season 1

I want to do a recap kind of thing with my favorite and least favorite episodes, the most and least skippable, etc. This is super subjective and so, if you disagree, give me your own best/worst lists in the comments!

5. Christopher Returns (1.15) I hate Chris. I just do.
4. Star-Crossed Lovers & Other Strangers (1.16)
3. Love, Daisies & Troubadours (1.21)
2. The Break-Up Part II (1.17)
1. PS I Lo… (1.20)

5. Forgiveness & Stuff (1.10)
4. The Deer-Hunters (1.04)
3. Rory’s Birthday Parties (1.06)
2. Pilot (1.01)
1. Love & War & Snow (1.08)


FIVE SKIPPABLES: While I recommend watching the whole thing, if you must skip some, skip these – there is less happening, the plot barely moves, everything is annoying, or something. In chronological order:
Kill Me Now (1.03)
Rory’s Dance (1.09)
Double Date (1.12)
Concert Interruptus (1.13)
– The Break-Up Part II (1.17)

Eeeeeeeew. Just look at that peck. Gross.

FIVE NO ONE SHOULD EVER MISS: So, umm, the opposite of the last one. If you only watch 5 episodes in the whole season, first of all how dare you, but if that is the case, watch these: Also in chronological order:
– Pilot (1.01)
– The Deer Hunters (1.04)
– Love & War & Snow (1.08)
The Third Lorelai (1.18)
– Love, Daisies & Troubadours (1.21)


Today I (re)watch: Gilmore girls, 1.21

Aaaaand we have reached the end of Season 1. Oy with the poodles already! (We’ll get there…)

So, Love, Daisies and Troubadours: This episode is all kinds of cheesy, mostly causing some projectile vomiting. There is some breaking up, some getting back together, some proposing. Some troubadouring (is that a word?)… And a lot of daisies!

SPOILER ALERT. I have seen all the seasons before, so I am reviewing retrospectively. SPOILER ALERT.

Luke, oh Luke.
It is a mixture of thoughtful and creepy that Luke fixes things at Lorelai’s house without, y’know, asking first? But he wants to be close to Lorelai which is shitty for Rachel but good for the rest of us. Rachel tells Luke not to wait long to tell Lorelai. 3 years, Luke. THREE YEARS YOU MADE US WAIT.

It is sad when Rachel leaves Luke, even if we never have enough time to care all that much about the relationship. Rachel wanted to make it work and Luke was basically hiding from her the entire time. At the same time, there is a difference between dating someone and living with someone, and not wanting to live with someone doesn’t mean you don’t want the person. I hate this monogamous, heteronormative, working-up-to-marriage model in every single media thing, including TV and including, of course, Gilmore Girls. I think Luke could’ve just told Rachel that some space (like, I don’t know, a separate apartment) was all he needed. That breakup served to spark the Lorelai x Luke ship further but the break-up was entirely avoidable.

Enter testosterone:
Oh my god. The testosterone showdown between Max and Luke is so funny but so annoying. “I do a lot of fixing around here for Lorelai” Seriously, Luke?

Max: So are we going?
Lorelai: Yeah. Just wanted to make sure you two were finished swinging those things around. Someone’s bound to lose an eye.

Lorelai Gilmore, calling shit out like it is.

Okay, let’s talk about jealousy?
I do not understand why talking about past relationships or people you sleep with while you are not (monogamously) together with someone is such a big deal. It has, by definition, absolutely nothing to do with you. Why do both Lor and Max get so upset? Why does Max think he is entitled to an explanation about Luke? And then, after that disaster of a conversation…

A proposal. What the fuck. “Hey, we clearly suck at communicating feelings and past relationships to each other but we want to lock each other up from other people so, let’s get married!” It’s not romantic. It is immature, desperate and ridiculous. And grand gestures like a thousand yellow daisies do not make that better. I hate grand gestures and I especially hate grand gestures when they are accompanied by zero actual communication, or logic, or consent. I am sorry, kids, but love is not enough.

Tristan is the douchey-est, rapey-est in this episode, and here is why.
First of all he gets tickets for a show he doesn’t even know what the music is, but I guess that is what you do when you are a silly boy who has all the money but none of the brains to figure that that’s not how you get a girl like Rory to like you. That’s silly, but so far it’s not creep territory just yet. He tells Paris, Madelaine and Louise that he is going with Rory, though. Even though Rory obviously said no. That’s douchey and intentional and makes him worthy of my wrath because you do not mess with a beautiful blossoming romance friendship like Paris and Rory’s . But the thing that makes me the angriest is when he follows Rory around pretending that Rory is playing hard to get, and not taking no for an answer. He feels entitled to take Rory to the concert and tries to put it on her that the tickets cost him his dad a lot. He gets his stupid white boy feels hurt and takes Rory’s books and tells her she will get them back when she agrees to go with him. So, let’s recap:

– Not taking no for an answer: check.
– Manipulating the person’s friends into believing she wants it: check.
– Arguing that because he spent that money “on her”, she should say yes to him: check.
– Blackmailing her with something she needs (her books), coercing her to say yes: check.
Woohoo. Four points for the potential rapist.

And here comes back the original fuckface:
This episode only gets worse when Dean shows up and has a small fit about seeing Rory “with” Tristan. And heck, him being so delusional, possessive and ridiculous to think that Rory would ever go out with Tristan, is further proof that he doesn’t know – or deserve – Rory. He behaves like a baby, pouting and making a scene, “Your boyfriend is waiting.” Seriously? Ugh I want Dean to fall off a cliff. Or be kicked off one, rather. Dean kind of coerced Rory into BEING READY to say ‘I love you’ when he broke off with her, wouldn’t even talk to her at all, made a scene at the school there, and threatened to leave and go back to not talking to her.


The key part in that sentence being YOU IDIOT.

I don’t like this season finale. The Gilmore Girls seem the happiest now, but I am miserable because Dean has a long way to annoy me before he disappears from this show (Damn it, Supernatural, couldn’t you have taken him away sooner?!). On the other hand, Season 2 is way more fun, so yay!


Today I (re)watch: Gilmore girls, 1.20

I’m gonna go right ahead with the summary: Everybody is being annoyingly overprotective of Rory’s feelings and she gets sick of everyone and runs away… to her grandmother’s house. Lorelai and Rory finally talk about why Rory broke up with Dean and my head explodes because people should be blaming Dean. UGH. Anyhoo.

SPOILER ALERT. I have seen all the seasons before, so I am reviewing retrospectively. SPOILER ALERT.

I have always wanted to play 1, 2, 3 with someone. Will someone play with me, please?

Luke: Why am I looking? Lorelai: Because it’s like a trainwreck.

Oh, the teen love drama.

I am torn about Rory and Dean because I hate that Rory’s all wallow-y about such a turd of a guy (yes, I am talking about Dean). But I like when they are broken up because that means less screen time for said turd. I cannot wait for Jess to come along,’cause even when he is a jerk, he is a good looking, entertaining one at that.

People need to communicate better in this show. It wouldn’t have been that hard or the end of the world for Lorelai to tell Rory that Max and her had been talking, or for Lane to tell Rory that her science partner was Dean. Rory is a smart, mature girl who was already pretty blue and wasn’t going to be feeling any worse if they had been honest with her.
Honestly, I get Rory. Everybody keeps lying to her and she is feeling like shit and just wants to be left alone. Everybody is trying to protect her or fix her or something but nobody actually listens to her. She has a sad face because she IS sad. Jesus. Her first boyfriend dumped her. What is she supposed to feel? She is being a normal broken-up teen having normal teen feelings. Everyone expects so much of her and I relate and ugh. Rushing someone to be fine or protecting them from everything they need no protection from isn’t going to make them be fine sooner.

Luke is love, Luke is life.
Ranting Luke is the most sensible voice in that show, to be honest. He is me. He could have hiked the feminism up a notch, but he is basically me. How could Lorelai buy like 15 bags of things in 2 hours? I do not understand.
But DAMN does he look hot “all GQed up”.
And, like, the show pretends Luke has zero reasons for saying that Dean is a jerk and he finally let her know it (which, hello, is true, and he did) but Luke is a wise, wise man.

Max, ummmm… okay…
While everyone thanks him for his support when Rory fled to her grandparents’ house… I hate that he makes it about him and his hurt feelings about Lorelai not telling Rory about them. Lor will tell whomever if/whenever she fucking wants to. UGH. He was doing so well, but he had to show his “hey Im a dude and I have feelings that people aren’t all about 24/7!” side. And when Lorelai calls Max and tells him she is calling everyone to tell them they are together, it makes it seem like the one who was correct in their assessment was Max. Same with Rory at the end of this season.

This break up is painful to watch because blame is super misplaced and nobody (but Luke! I stand by my theory!) seems to realize that it is an emotionally abusive and manipulative and douchey thing to do to try to pressure someone into saying something they don’t feel yet or are not ready to say. Lorelai gives Rory the talk about commitment and saying “I love you” and making it a huge deal but, like, she is sixteen. She will say it when she says it, if she says it. What-fucking-ever. A boy who isn’t waiting for you to be ready is not a boy worth getting ready for. And Dean is not worth anything. Not even KY (yes, I am arguing for Tristan > Dean. At least Tristan is somewhat aware of how much of a doucheface he can be. Everyone treats Dean like he is The Perfect Boyfriend™.)

I feel like half of my reviews consist of Dean is the fucking worst tags. #SorryNotSorry


Today I (re)watch: Gilmore girls, 1.19

I empathize, Lor. I also have a large head.


And on that note, a summary: Emily is antique shop-hunting and goes to Stars Hollow, per Rory’s suggestion and to Lorelai’s horror. Rory takes Emily to her house, to the antique store, to walk around town, to Lor’s workplace, to the shed she grew up in when her mom fled Emily and Richard’s house…. Oooops. Family awkwardness, family drama, family hilariousness. And Rune!

“What time does the Judgmental Express arrive?” Nice, Lor. I get you.

SPOILER ALERT. I have seen all the seasons before, so I am reviewing retrospectively. SPOILER ALERT.

I appreciate Rory’s relationship with her grandmother. They are smart, funny women who love each other a lot.

“Alright! But I won’t wear anything with rhinestones or zebra stripes or anything that has batteries or that sings or makes animal noises or moves on its own…” This line by Emily after Rory suggests she should wear a pair of Lorelai’s shoes is perfect. This is exactly how Emily thinks of Lorelai, or probably anyone who doesn’t buy all their clothes at Carolina Herrera. As wacky style-less mismatching wild creatures.
Emily looks classy as hell, all the time, even with those sneakers. Of course Emily would love Mrs Kim. They are both fantastic actresses playing these intense, smart women. Their exchange is hilarious and I kind of wish they had become friends at some point. Can you imagine? It’d be 50% bickering, 50% complaining about Lorelai’s lifestyle choices.

This is the episode in which Lorelai discovers (or rather, Rachel does) the Dragonfly Inn! This is so exciting! The way Sookie panics about there not being a kitchen is so cute! And am I the only one who finds it interesting that the origial Dragonfly didn’t have a kitchen?

Oh that toolshed
Awwww, Rory, my baby. Did she really think that showing Emily the tiny, kind of shitty place that Lorelai “preferred” over  their parents’ place would do any good? Has she met Emily? I can imagine how many feelings that would bring up in Emily, especially the way she sees things and her side of the story. Emily feels Lorelai abandoned them, and does not see at all that Lorelai needed her space and to build from the ground up to find herself. She thinks that Lor made a hurtful, inexcusable, wrong choice in fleeing, and like Lor betrayed her and her family. And for what? A dusty, tiny shed? In Emily’s standards that is just beyond unacceptable.

Rory just wanted to let her grandmother in and make her feel more included, but man! That kid wants to erase years of baggage with her puppy eyes and that is unfortunately not how it works. I’ve tried. Rory thinks that they haven’t tried sorting things out but, gah, have they. And the following time they really, really try, well… Friday Night’s Alright For Fighting happens. That episode is super fun but even I felt emotionally drained.

Ohhh man.

I will discuss Luke x Rachel later because, let’s face it, I don’t care that much.


Oh and Rune reappears and continues to be a burden to us all.


Today I (re)watch: Gilmore girls, 1.18

Oh fellow 3 people who follow my reviews, you are in for a treat. You are meeting Lorelai the First in this episode, aka Trix, aka Emily’s Emily.
The summary: Lorelai the great grandmother comes to stay at Richard and Emily’s house to Richard’s delight, Emily’s horror, and Lorelai’s amusement. She offers Lorelai an offer she can’t refuse. But then Lorelai and Emily ruin it by being jealous crybabies. 

SPOILER ALERT. I have seen all the seasons before, so I am reviewing retrospectively. SPOILER ALERT.

Emily: So you were on the phone..?
Richard: Long distance.
Lorelai: God?
Richard: London.
Lorelai: God lives in London?
Richard: My mother lives in London.
Lorelai: Your mother is God?
Richard: Lorelai…
Lorelai: So, God *is* a woman..!
Richard: LORELAI…
Lorelai: And a relative! That’s so cool. I’m gonna totally ask for favors.
Richard (to Rory): Make her stop.
Rory: Oh that I could…

I’ve been waiting all season to quote this conversation. It makes my heart sing.

Okay let me just start off with Tristan and Rory and get it out of the way. I recognize myself and many girls I know in the conversation she has with Tristan about the kiss at Madelaine’s party. She apologizes for crying after the kiss and tells him it had nothing to do with him – which like, she has nothing to apologize about, but I guess I’ll allow because it can be unsettling to have your kissing partner cry after you kiss them. But then he says “I kissed you, and you cried, it must have had something to do with the kiss”. What does he want? He is not entitled to further explanation or apologies. And making it a pity fest is just such a doucheboy thing to do. She told him it had nothing to do, SO IT HAD NOTHING TO DO. Rory apologizes even more than I do for things she was not at fault for. They were both having a bad night and Tristan had his weird unhealthily-expressed feelings about Rory and they kissed. And she cried because feelings happen at odd times. But then Rory tells him it was a good kiss which if I know anything about being a woman is just an attempt at coddling his ego which is what we are taught to do: make sure their egos are never ever hurt because God forbid a guy thinks he is not the hottest shit under the sun. And he does the predictably sleazy move: “wanna try again?” Gross.
Then Rory goes on and rips on Summer for having “no substance”. Right, because Tristan is so deep and smart and “deserves better”? He deserves his own left hand and some KY. He doesn’t even deserve good lube. He DEFINITELY doesn’t deserve Paris. And did Rory seriously just tell this crybaby fuckface that Paris is crazy about him? What is wrong with her? That is some shitty abiding of the girlcode rules. Or something. To make matters worse, Tristan tells Paris that their date was Rory’s suggestion. He is the biggest dickface, and Rory is the biggest high-schooler for not realizing Tristan wants in her pants. Sigh.

Continuing on the Tristan thing… I love Paris so much. Paris and Rory should just jump the boy train and date each other. I must say, I did not recognize it as such but  I had feelings when I first saw this episode. There is a scene (the Goddesses know I looked for a GIF without luck) where Paris takes off her coat and my mind went BOOBS! We seldom see Paris without a coat or her uniform or other clothes that allow Liza Weil to pretend to be a teenager. But that blouse: OMG. Is that inappropriate? Liza was way over 18 but she is playing a teenager. This is confusing and could lead to another blog post where I talk about how casting adults to play teens has everything to do with the sexualization of teens and how we all have eyes… Anyway…

I have a theory that Paris Geller, at the end of GG, decides to go into Law instead of Med School but she murders someone so she changes her name to Bonnie Winterbottom to, y’know, get away with it.

So, back to Trix. It is fitting that she doesn’t have a great relationship with Emily, and that Trix is the figure that Emily is to Lorelai. They are both extremely strong-willed, stubborn, and they both think that their way is best for everyone. But man! I love that every woman in that family is a tornado that takes shit from nobody. I love the fact that, in spite of Trix not approving of Lorelai’s ‘unwed’ ways, she respects that Lorelai is independent, self-sufficient and strong as heck.

I hate Emily for poisoning Lorelai’s mind, telling her that Rory is going to abandon Lorelai if she gets her trust fund. I hate her so much. I know that she wants to feel needed and her relationship with her daughter is pretty much based on money. But she knows that’s not Lor and Rory, and she just wants to manipulate the situation because she hates Trix and because she wants to keep controlling the little she can control in her daughter and granddaughter’s lives. She is loaded and she thinks it is no big deal but Lorelai passing the opportunity (or their prides and stupidity doing it for them) *is* a big deal. And Lorelai letting Emily get to her with that bullshit is unbelievable and disappointing. She knows she is not Emily, she knows Rory is not just waiting to get rid of her mother. Ugh. So upsetting. Gran is right to withdraw the offer because nobody in that family is equipped to handle it, evidently.

Emily should apologize forever though, for the next 6 seasons (which she doesn’t.)

I have always found Richard and Emily’s relationship interesting. But I reiterate: the women in that family have all the spine. Richard is just kinda there, a lot of the times. And he definitely lacks the guts to confront her mother because as much as her dynamic with Emily is entertaining to watch, it is unacceptable for Gran to treat her daughter-in-law like that. Especially if it has been this way for the 40-or-so years they have been married. Trix treats her like crap and Richard never says anything. I get that it is a “respect your elders” thing but respecting your elders and letting your elders be shitty human beings without calling them out on it are two different things. You can be respectful while disagreeing, and Richard, being a businessman, knows this very well. Poor Emily.

Wooop. That was the episode. And my thoughts on it. Next episode is even more Gilmore family gold, when Emily visits Stars Hollow. Greatness, I tell ya!


Today I (re)watch: Gilmore girls, 1.17

The next few episodes are kind of painful. This one in particular.

First, a summary: This is, as the title (The Break Up: part II) suggests, the aftermath of Rory and Dean breaking up after Dean was the world’s biggest crybaby fuckface. Lorelai decides to go visit Max to “talk”, while Rory goes to Madelaine’s party where she finds another crybaby fuckface to kiss.

SPOILER ALERT. I have seen all the seasons before, so I am reviewing retrospectively. SPOILER ALERT.

I understand Rory  in this episode. I do. I would not want to talk about that kind of break-up or why it happened right away. But she feels ashamed and she shouldn’t. I know that’s not how feelings work though. If she wasn’t ready to say “I love you”, she wasn’t ready to say “I love you”. Period. Watching Lorelai insist on Rory telling her that same night is embarrassing, though. Lorelai has no sense of privacy or boundaries or the right time to talk about things. I really don’t like that about her, and she does that time and time again, dismissing Rory’s boundaries. Like, yes, they’re close and that’s wonderful. But they deserve space, and Lor should not be the dictator of how much space is enough space. And dictating how Rory should deal with her heart-break is condescending. Rory will get to wallowing or not, but she will do it at her own pace. Anyhoo.

I am Rory to an extent that it is obscene in this episode though. I try my best to do everything that is not thinking about how much my heart hurts. I go out with friends, rearrange my room (by the way, I love love love that Rory moves the living room in such a way that the TV is behind the sofa – gets me every time!), clean my kitchen. I get to my feelings eventually, and I give myself the time and space to do so, but first I need to do things, feel useful and productive. After all that, I take time to self care. But first, I am Mrs Productivity. I also relate to wanting to control when to talk about things. While I appreciate the town’s efforts to try to cheer her up and advice her and hug her, she needs time to think about stuff first. She didn’t control the way the break-up happened, so she wants to at least control the aftermath and how/when she talks. I get that.

[I agree with Kirk that Dean’s floppy hair is suspicious. And the fight between Luke and Dean is hilarious. That’s not even fighting.]

Rory going to that party after having her heart broken by a silly boy is the spitting image of me. Except my heartbreak involves alcohol, or impulse purchases that come along with it. Her choice was alright.

[Paris being the friend who reminds her friends to use a condom is my favorite thing: “No glove, no love”. Bless that woman.]

Tristan being all “boo hoo this girl doesn’t like me, everyone likes to see me suffer, poor me!” is sickening. He was being an entitled, jealous, scene-making boyfriend and he got dumped. Big deal. Ugh, whatever. I don’t care about this boy’s feelings. I just don’t and will not ever.

In the end, Rory wallows. Yay? No. That break-up is gonna drag on for a while still.

Speaking a bit about Lorelai and Max talking (and humping) again, please tell me, whose chemistry do you like more (up to this point – because I have watched the whole series my perspective is damaged now but I want to know) – Lorelai x Max or Lorelai x Chris or Lorelai x Luke? Or Lorelai x Kate Walsh? I ask because whenever I see Lorelai and Max making out I get all sorts of tingly feelings, not gonna lie. Anyway. Bye.


Today I (re)watch, Gilmore girls, 1.16

Here is a summary for today’s episode: Stars Hollow is having a festival to commemorate its founders. Everyone in town is annoyingly cheesy and in love. Rory and Dean are having their three-month anniversary. Luke has a special visitor coming back to town.

SPOILER ALERT. I have seen all the seasons before, so I am reviewing retrospectively. SPOILER ALERT.

In this episode, once again, Lorelai is me. So many times in my life I have felt like everyone is heterosexually coupled all up in my face and it has been very annoying. Loneliness hurts but sometimes it is other couples being all mushy and gross that makes you want to commit murder. Poor Lor, she has had a lot going on in her life and she misses Max. I know the feeling.

hate and loathing

Ahhhh, Rachel. She is ridiculously good looking. Like, it is not fair. They (Lor and her) should both date Luke. They’d be amazing. I mean, isn’t she supposed to be an open-minded, adventurous person? But, then again, it is kind of douchey of her to just show up and expect him to move everything and take her in. She is like Chris that way. Miss Patty and Sookie mention like 3 episodes ago that Rachel left 5 years before, and they send each other post cards? That’s rough. No wonder Luke finds it hard to move on. It just makes no sense to me that she would not even call.

Whatshisface: So, Lorelai, are you a member of the DAR?
Lorelai: No, I am not. D-A-R-N.

No one in the grandparents’ house appreciates Lorelai’s humor. It is very sad. That blind date set-up guy was so so boring, insufferable, and annoying. And so very creepy. When she escapes through the window though, that is television gold. And the way Richard and Lorelai are both super done with Whatshisface and Richard lets her escape. I feel sad that Richard and Lor don’t talk their issues out more, because I think they would get along. There is a lot of love and it is just a lot of baggage that keeps them apart.

I have purposely not talked much about Dean and Rory’s anniversary thing. Because, barf. But also because the way Dean flips his shit when Rory doesn’t say ‘I love you’ is just totally unacceptable and emotionally abusive and I just cannot fucking deal with him. So what if she is not ready to say ‘I love you’? Shouting at her and being all condescending and making her feel guilty about it is not the way to go. It makes you a douchebag.

Guh. I just want Dean Forester to disappear forever.

Ta-dah. Thats my review. Dean should disappear forever.


Today I (re)watch: Gilmore girls, 1.15

Christopher Returns, and boy do I regret he did.

First, a summary: Christopher (Rory’s dad) shows up out of absolutely nowhere (’cause he is a gold-star dad) and stays with the Gilmore girls. Emily and Richard have Chris’ parents – Straub and Francine – over for Friday night dinner. Lots of drama happens and then Lorelai sleeps with Chris because they’re both 16 apparently. In the end, he leaves. Again.

SPOILER ALERT. I have seen all the seasons before, so I am reviewing retrospectively. SPOILER ALERT.


Chris: I’ve been tying up loose ends in my life.
Lorelai: Do they make that much string?

Oh Lor, I love your brain. Lorelai had every reason to not have faith in him, or believe a word he says. He had never been to Stars Hollow, he’s surprised that Rory studies a lot. He does not know his daughter at all, and now he shows up and everyone should just open their arms and legs and throw him a party? No. NO. The worst.

At the same time, I see his charm. He is smart and fun and cute and Lorelai has such a history with him. I have definitely fallen for a couple of Christophers in my life – some of them with the same name. But he is also an immature fuckface, unreliable, entitled and an all-around privileged white boy.

I think that more than hating Christopher, I really dislike how everybody lets him off the hook and praises him like he is someone to look up to. Richard tells Rory that he hopes she gets her dad’s business smarts and talents, and ummm, excuse me but, who is the one who worked her way up and runs a place now? Who is attending a business class and is graduating soon, while working and supporting her daughter? Not him.

And then come the Haydens. What an insufferable pair of twatfaces. They blame Lorelai (slutshaming yay!) for two sixteen year olds mutually, consensually, having sex? She raised and supported Rory all on her own too, so if Christopher has not done anything of his life, it is all on him. But also… why did Lorelai make the Bush comment? I know her immature spontaneous comments are supposed to be charming but she can be super irresponsible, not seeing the consequences of what she says/does. She is definitely not to blame but a part of me is like “come on, Lor, you know better.”

The conversations that follow that huge fight with the Haydens hit me super hard. Lorelai rarely acknowledges that her parents have feelings and that leaving her house at 16 devastated them. At the same time, Richard continuing to blame Lorelai for getting pregnant and for not wanting to get married to an immature fuckface at 16 is not acceptable.

Secondly, the short conversation between Emily and Rory is so important. It must have been so confusing and hurtful for Rory to hear all those strong words being thrown about, most of which had to do with her very existence. So it is sweet and smart of Emily to see that, and talk to her about it.

It breaks my heart when Lorelai sleeps with Chris and ditches Luke’s paint date. This is the first of a few times that Lorelai ruins everything to be with Chris. And then Christopher proposes to Lorelai. How much of an entitled, obtuse, immature, unstable idiot do you have to be? It is not romantic, or soulmate-material. And doing that somewhere his daughter could hear? Irresponsible, delusional, and stupid.

Haha. These last few reviews are all rant and no play. It will get better, I promise. I’ll try.


Today I (re)watch: Gilmore girls, 1.14

Ah, That Damn Donna Reed.

Let’s get to the summary: After watching the Donna Reed Show with Dean, Lorelai is going to help Luke paint his diner, and Rory agrees to catsit for Babette’s kitten, Apricot. Hilarious things happen, and some annoying things too.


SPOILER ALERT. I have seen all the seasons before, so I am reviewing retrospectively. SPOILER ALERT.

Ugh, Dean is the worst. He is the fucking worst. Him arguing that the typical patriarchal nuclear family of 1950s America “sounded nice” should have been the first indicator that Rory and him were not a good fit.

Dean: For some reason Thursday’s always very busy [at the market]. Lots of *oppressed housewives* shopping for their husbands’ dinner.

Fuck you, Dean. And then he calls Rory sensitive because she was calling out his sexist ideals. And then he tells Rory that the only reason she thinks the way she thinks it is because her mom does, basically calling her a mindless idiot when the only idiot is him. He is a condescending, gaslighting, sexist dickface. And then he makes his pouty face and leaves like he is the victim?!

But also, I think arguing about TV shows can be a totally legit thing. You get to unveil people’s actual thoughts on different things. [Here come some spoilers] If you see this argument, and then jump forward to how he treated his wife, like disposable trash basically even though she tried so hard to be the perfect wife… ugh. Fuck Dean Forrester.

This is one of my biggest issues with the show, and the fandom. They treat Dean like he is the ideal first boyfriend or something. He is a manipulative, condescending, sexist, jealous, controlling, uninteresting, overly-clingy, insecure white boy. Sure, he is stable (and that is only comparing him to Jess or Logan), but like, the most abusive partners tend to be pretty “stable” too. Anyway, rant over, for now.

Lorelai’s painting song is absolute gold. And her wanting to help Luke paint is adorable. But when they are looking at Luke’s dad’s order on the wall… that’s the intro to a fucking porno. The tension is all up in my face. I need a break.
And then when she calls Luke and Luke thinks it is a booty call (although, how would he know? the premise of him is that he is a loner and a dork…anyway) and he looks all happy and ready to go. Ugh. Damn it Lor, that was the moment to pounce. Afterwards, when she admits to Emily that she may have feelings for Luke… oh god. The feels.

It pisses me off that Rory decides to sort of apologize when she did not do anything wrong. And she does the whole Donna Reed him to please him or something. Ugh. They suck. Then Dean acts as if he is unbelievably nice for not expecting that of Rory. Psssht.

Then Rory finds Apricot and Luke finds Stella  – I like how this storyline plays well with the whole “Lorelai & Skippy” thing of her being unable to have pets – and all is good in the world.

Exceeeeeeept, oh no. Who is that motorcycle guy?

The fucking worst guy… after Dean. And Jason. We’ll get there.


Today I (re)watch: Gilmore girls, 1.13

I appreciate “Concert Interruptus” a lot as it moves a lot of storylines along, like Luke and Lorelai’s friendship, and Rory and Paris’ friendship too, which is one of my favorites in that show. It is one of the few episodes in the first season with no Richard and Emily, which also changes the feel of the show a lot. And there is no Dean! That makes me very happy too.

So first, a summary: Stars Hollow is having a rummage sale to save a falling bridge, and Lorelai is organizing it. Sookie gets tickets to see The Bangles with Rory, Lorelai and Lane. Rory has a group project with Paris, Madeline and Louise, who Lorelai offers the tickets to. Rich girls behave like brats though and Lorelai has to be the mom. 

SPOILER ALERT. I have seen all the seasons before, so I am reviewing retrospectively. SPOILER ALERT.

I love all town functions and shenanigans! Although a rummage sale is technically not a town event, it is a very town-minded thing to do, to try to save buildings and stuff by doing charity and fundraisers. I like it a lot, probably because I never had that. It is pretty nice, to see all these quirky humans come together, and to see Lorelai organizing all the quirky humans. You can see she really loves that town and those people, which is super cute.

I know I have said this before but I never get tired of saying it: Tristan is such a sleazebag. I am very annoyed that Paris has a huge thing for him, although I guess we all have those people we have been into that later on we look back and want to slap ourselves hard in the face. The way he creepily stares at Rory the entire class (no, it is not cute, it is creepy), the way he uses Paris’ attraction towards him to, in his sleazy little head, make Rory jealous – and I love that it never works on her, at all – the way he often physically corners Rory in different episodes. It is gross.

The scene where Rory tells Lorelai that Lane decided to be “stupid” and tell her mom the truth rings too familiar. My mom and I would keep a lot of things from my dad when I was a teen, partly because she was the one who made a lot of day-to-day decisions so she could allow me to do things that my dad would’ve in all likelihood said “no” to, and in part because if it weren’t for that, I would have never done anything or gone anywhere ever. I was always “smart” about that. In my head, I also would blame friends of mine for not wanting to lie or sneak out because it never made sense in my head. Lane did try to be honest with her mom, more than once, but I feel her struggle a lot, because it is hard to be a teenager when you are completely separate from what your parents expect or want from you.

In this episode, as I was saying, we see a bit more of Luke’s story and his relationship with Lorelai as well. While I think he was being absolutely inappropriate and entitled when he snapped at Lorelai for wearing Rachel’s hoodie, I can’t help but feel sad because I also have relationships that get me from 0 to on-absolute-edge in 3 seconds. There are always those people who bring that snappy monster out. But I wonder, did he not have any relationship for the past 5 years? Did he not have any relationship all those years? That seems like a thing he has in common with Lor. But also, this show only has long-assed, serious, monogamous, straight relationships and that upsets me a bit. How come no one has one-night-stands, or casual dates, or a queer relationship, or hell, not even a threesome or whatever? I don’t understand. Humans can have such a variety of relationships, all super interesting to explore. In this episode Lorelai comes to know Luke a bit more and empathize a little more too. They have a friendship that speaks to me a lot: they snap sometimes and don’t understand each other a lot other times but they have enough love for one another to make things okay. It is also a subtle yet lovely thing Lor does at the end of the episode, when she gives the hoodie back to Luke. To me, it says “this is your memory, and you will heal when you heal, and I want to respect that and step away from it”. Which is kind, but also smart, because Lorelai is not Rachel nor does she ever become a replacement for her.

Another friendship that I love and honor every day is Paris & Rory’s, but also Paris, Madelaine and Louise’s. I have heard people say that Madelaine and Louise hanging out with Paris is unrealistic because they’re so different in every way. I think it is extremely realistic, especially in high school. Paris talks about knowing Tristan since they were kids, which makes me think she probably knows M & L since forever as well. People who we become friends with very early on in life share with us a love that is almost sisterly, and that bond is often stronger than common interests, at least up to high school or so. They also serve different functions in their “trio”: Paris keeps the other two academically in check, Madelaine and Louise are Paris’ connection to the world outside academics and outside her own checklist of things to do to get to Harvard. In later years, Rory and Paris will become closer and closer, which is only normal, since they are both badass women who deserve the world. Together.

Lorelai: It just seems like you guys (Rory with Paris, Madelaine & Louise) have kind of a bonding thing going on. It might be fun!
Rory: But what about you?
Lorelai: No, no, you and I have bonded already. In fact if we bond any further, we will be permanently fused together.

My favorite line.

Okay let me tell you a story: my mom loves The Bangles. I like the Bangles a lot, but I discovered them during this very episode, and then my mom and I would play The Bangles all day in my house. Great stuff. I love the fact that it is, again, a girl band. This show is all about the ladies, even in those small things.

The whole deal with Lorelai getting Madelaine and Louise out of the party never comes up again, which I think is strange. I mean, I would have done a similar thing probably, but still, it *is* very uncool from a 16-year-old-bratty-girl’s perspective. Regardless, when Paris tells Rory that that’s probably the best night she’s ever had, my heart and soul melt. Paris often tries to pretend she does not want friendships and fun nights because to her, academia is easier than feelings and human relationships (which my younger self can kind of relate to), but she does need humans. We all do.

In this episode we see a bit into how those friendships are going to be later on: Louise and Madelaine partying it up in college, Rory and Paris in their Ivy League lives. High school may allow for dissimilar, unlikely friends to stay together, but once college and different time zones happen, people stick to the people that think the most like them. I like the fact that this is a very real thing that happens, and that the writers never condemn one or the other, nor do they judge any of the characters (even when sometimes they should?). Even when characters fuck up, the writing shows the possible outcomes of that, but it rarely judges anyone for their choices.